Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property

Genesis of IP India with our highly regarded foreign industry partners is deeply rooted in our strategic vision of acquiring the true capability for developing our very own Aero Engine – i.e. a Made in India aero engine to power our aircraft and helicopters. Towards this, we have tried to create an ideal technology transfer model and we intend to bring the state of the art aero-engine technology and capability to India, hitherto not accessible. As a result India has had to depend upon foreign engine manufacturers till now, for requirement of all aero-engines on Indian designed platforms (Helicopters and fighter/trainer/unmanned aircraft). Now, with IP India well established, we intend to develop and manufacture aero engines in India itself and create a true Indian product, with Indian Intellectual Property (IP). This grand vision has to be accomplished incrementally by first creating the Eco System through expertise and technology transfer. We would eventually offer engines designed and manufactured in India, for India. At IP India, our resources are focused on innovation, quality, and superior value for our customers. We work closely with our customers to understand their requirements, which enable us to provide innovative solutions to meet their specific needs. By this approach IP India is ushering in a paradigm shift which will change the way Indian defence industry thinks about aero-engines and the way we have been totally dependent upon foreign OEMs in this regard. Time has indeed arrived to change this paradigm 180 degrees around.
IP India carries a strong heritage and our superior product quality, cost effective solutions, total customer satisfaction and prompt service has earned us a reputation as an exceptional design, manufacturing, and system integration organization.
Ivchenko Progress India Pvt. Ltd. (IP India)
developing indigenous capability in the crucial aero-engines domain